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Licensing - .HT Encapsulator

Creative Commons License
.HT Files by Andrew Burt are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

The .HT Encapsulator is released under a Creative Commons license for personal use. I would encourage donations if you use it. Try it, and if you like it (say, if you're still using it after a month) I'd hope that you share your bounty at having saved yourself work and make a donation below.

For commercial use, I'll go so far as to actually request purchasing a license. I mean, you're making money and I'm helping you, so, share. It's not crippled in any way and I probably won't come after you if you use it for free; you're simply on your honor.

You're allowed to make changes and share this or your version, so long as any code you post for others to use prominently displays the following notice, with an active link if possible:

The .HT Encapsulator is released under a Creative Commons license. If you like it, donations are encouraged, and for commercial use please purchase a license at .

You may purchase a license via credit card (Visa/MC/Amex/Discover) or PayPal:

Your Site's URL: (e.g.

$14.95 a non-commercial web site
$29.95 for a commercial web site

("Commercial" as in, you hope to earn money from the site via ad revenue, selling products/services, you're a web designer, etc.)

This will save you tons of time both at the outset and in the future, so I hope you'll agree it's well worth it. Thanks!

Or you may send cash/checks by mail to:

P.O.Box 16143
Golden, CO 80402

If you would like to purchase multiple site licenses please contact me.

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